Phoenix Neck and Back Injury Lawyers and Attorneys

Back and Neck Injury Lawyers in Phoenix, Arizona

Back and neck injuries, like spinal cord injuries, can be among the most devastating types of injuries victims can sustain after a car or truck accident. If you or someone you love was hurt in a car or truck accident and sustained a back injury, neck injury, spinal cord injury, or whiplash, you may have the right to seek damages to cover your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. The back and neck injury lawyers at the Schmidt Law Group in Phoenix, Arizona can help you and your family seek damages for your losses. Contact us today to learn more.

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Spinal Cord Injury and Personal Injury Claims in Phoenix, Arizona

Spinal cord injuries are among the most serious injuries a person can sustain. According to the Shepherd Center, a spinal cord injury occurs when the spinal cord is damaged. Car accidents are one of the leading causes of spinal cord injury. Spinal cord injury is distinct from a “broken back” injury. The spine, the bones around the spinal cord, generally protect the spinal cord from being damaged. However, if the spinal cord is injured or bruised, this can result in spinal cord injury. The consequence of spinal cord injury includes loss of function and feeling below the site of injury. Spinal cord injuries are permanent. They can result in permanent loss of function and sensation. Individuals who suffer spinal cord injury might require lifelong mobility assistance, lifelong nursing care, and may need to make major lifestyle changes as a result of their disability. Spinal cord injury can be a very costly injury to have. According to the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation, the average yearly cost of living with paraplegia is $68,739 and the average cost of living with high tetraplegia (a C1-C4) injury averages at $184,891 in a single year alone. The lifetime costs of a spinal cord injury can be immense. If you or someone you love suffered a spinal cord injury in Phoenix, Arizona, the back and neck injury lawyers at the Schmidt Law Group may be able to help you seek damages to cover your medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Back Injuries and Back Pain 

Victims who suffer a back injury that results in a pulled muscle or torn muscle can also suffer from serious pain, disability, lost time from work, and inability to perform regular life activities. Back pain can be very difficult to diagnose. Some individuals might suffer from a herniated disk and experience little to no pain, and others might experience a pulled muscle and experience debilitating pain that keeps them out of work. Your experience with back pain is valid and you deserve to receive treatment for your injuries. Treatment can include rehabilitation, surgery, or pain medication (though many are reluctant to take pain killers because they can be addictive). If you or someone you love is struggling with back pain from a car or truck accident, you might be facing unique challenges. Sometimes insurance companies or negligent parties might try to claim that your back pain was the result of a pre-existing condition (many Americans suffer from back pain). If you have questions about your rights and options under the law, reach out to the back injury law firm at the Schmidt Law Group in Phoenix, Arizona today. Our back injury lawyers may be able to help you seek damages to cover your rehabilitation and lost wages.

How a Neck Injury Law Firm in Phoenix, Arizona Can Help You 

Neck injuries, like whiplash, can impact all aspects of your life and can impact your ability to work and enjoy daily life. While whiplash injuries generally heal with time, they can interfere with your ability to work and to care for loved ones. Neck injuries like whiplash can occur in rear-end collisions, where the head is jostled around from front to back suddenly. Rear-end collisions are usually the fault of the driver in the rear. If you’ve been in this type of crash, you may have the right to seek damages for your losses and fight for your rights.

If you’ve been hurt in a car accident or truck accident and sustained a neck or whiplash injury, you may have the right to seek damages for your medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering damages. The neck injury lawyers at the Schmidt Law Group in Phoenix, Arizona may be able to help you seek damages for your losses, but you may only have a limited amount of time to make a claim under the law. Reach out to our neck injury lawyers today for a case evaluation and to learn more about your options and next steps. Our compassionate and caring neck and back injury lawyers in Phoenix, Arizona understand how stressful it can be to survive a crash, and struggle with injury. You are not alone. We can help.

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