The Role of the Judge and Jury in Personal Injury Cases in Arizona
If someone asked you to brainstorm things that judges and juries do, you might imagine the jury debating about whether the defendant is innocent or guilty and then presenting their verdict to the judge. Perhaps the jury’s discussion sounds…

How Settlement Values are Determined in a Personal Injury Lawsuit
Some of the world’s oldest attested laws prescribe specific amounts of compensation, in the form of money or other goods, to be paid to people who suffered injuries because of another’s negligence. The Code of Hammurabi, written nearly four…

Product Dangers and Your Rights
Nearly every day, you hear of some product being recalled due to a flaw in design, a defective part or harmful ingredient. Cars, baby strollers, food items: these are just a few of the things recalled due to safety concerns. Unfortunately,…

Arizona Negligence Laws: How Do They Affect Your Lawsuit?
Personal injury cases usually rely on proving the negligence of another party. Perhaps a manufacturer allowed a faulty design to leave the plant and be sold to the public. Maybe your neighbor didn't keep their dogs properly restrained and one…

Medical Liens: What Are Your Options?
If you've been injured in a car collision or another type of accident, you may have filed a personal injury suit to recover medical costs, lost wages, etc. from whoever was at fault. In many instances, these lawsuits provide the help you need…

Filing a Wrongful Death Claim for Medical Malpractice
Medical malpractice is rampant. In fact, the third leading cause of death in the United States is medical error, a truly frightening statistic. Every year, approximately 250,000Americans die as a result of mistakes with their treatment.…

What do Paralegals do in a Law Firm?
If you ask a classroom full of children what professions they want to practice when they grow up, it is rare to hear a child say that he or she wants to be a paralegal, unless the child has a parent who is paralegal. While there are romanticized…

Is the Insurance Company Offering Me Enough for My Injury?
Not having insurance can be financially ruinous, for example, if your house suffers major damage in a storm and you do not have homeowners’ insurance, or if you have to pay for even a minor surgery without health insurance. Although insurance…

Why is My Case Going to Court?
If your only information about the legal profession came from movies and television, you could easily think that lawyers always dress fancy and that they spend a big part of their work week in a courtroom, arguing cases in front of a judge.…

How Much is My Case Worth? It Depends!
Clickbait news stories often tell of people winning enormous settlements in personal injury lawsuits. The goal of these news stories is either to play on people’s fantasies of, “If only I could get injured under the right circumstances,…