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What do Paralegals do in a Law Firm?

If you ask a classroom full of children what professions they want to practice when they grow up, it is rare to hear a child say that he or she wants to be a paralegal, unless the child has a parent who is paralegal. While there are romanticized depictions in movies and on television of […]

Workers’ Compensation and Third-Party Cases in Arizona

The Internet is full of celebrations of and lamentations on the 24-7 workplace. For better or worse, an increasing number of Americans have jobs that are not limited to a specific location or schedule. Business etiquette in regard to everything from clothing (yes, jeans can look professional) to correspondence (no, it is not acceptable to […]

A Back-to-School Guide to Dealing with School Bullying

Bullying can make going to school a nightmare for children. Even though schools are taking more steps to prevent bullying and, when it does happen, to stop it before it escalates, children still sometimes suffer for months, being tormented by bullies, before any adults notice or intervene. Generally, bullying escalates slowly. By the time it […]

What are My Rights When Injured in Another State?

Interstate road trips full of mishaps are endlessly entertaining when they are fictional. It is the detours, vehicle malfunctions, and unexpected encounters with weirdos that give National Lampoon’s Vacation and Planes, Trains, and Automobiles their entertainment value. In real life, though, car accidents are even more stressful when they happen out of state. Beyond the […]

Should I Buy the Insurance from Rental Car Agencies?

A popular saying in the world of personal finance advises you not to be insurance-poor. The cost of insurance premiums can add up, but having insurance versus not having it can be the difference between a few bills that make you cringe and an outright financial disaster.  Meanwhile, another popular piece of personal finance wisdom […]

Rules and Regulations for Bicycle Riders in Arizona

Before you get a learner’s permit to learn to drive a car, you must study the traffic safety laws and demonstrate thorough knowledge of them. Downloading the document to study for the traffic law test is a rite of passage for many teenagers, as picking up the booklet from the DMV was for their parents. […]

How and When to Take Photos at the Scene of an Accident

If you have ever watched a courtroom drama or a reality show about legal cases, then you know about the importance of evidence. You will not have a strong case in court if it is simply your word against the other party’s. Of course, going to court is probably not the first thing you think […]

Driving Mistakes People Make in Bad Weather

Most people do not associate Arizona with bad weather; in fact, its friendly climate is one of the reasons that it is such a popular destination for retirement. Despite its image as a retiree’s paradise, like Florida but without the hurricanes or alligators, Arizona does have its own share of weather hazards. This is not […]

Biker Regulations and Safety Tips in Arizona

As anyone who has taken a cross-country road trip on a motorcycle can attest, Arizona is one of the best places in the United States for bikers. The warm, dry climate means that the weather is almost always motorcycle-friendly. The even better news about motorcycle riding in Arizona is that the number of motorcycle accidents […]